Moran Haham is an algorithms manager at Outbrain, with over 10 years of experience in the tech industry and data science. Moran leads recommendation system research, particularly click-through rate prediction on large scale in production. Moran is an international public speaker who believes that data-driven culture is what drives a company to perform at its best. She carries out the vision by using data and ML to enhance business success. Moran has a Master's degree in Information Systems from Ben Gurion University where her thesis focused on using active learning for rating elicitation in recommendation systems. Moran is alumni of successful startups such as SparkBeyond and Perion Networks where she solved complex problems including product recommendation widgets for e-commerce sites, demand forecasting, revenue forecasting, text classification. Moran has a proven track record of leading a team of data scientists delivering innovative ML models to fortune 100 companies from a wide range of industries including retail, finance, banking, and logistics.